Vanaf 14/11/2024

Train the trainer: training colleagues with the right teaching skills

Training colleagues with the appropriate didactic skills


New employees, employees rotating to another department or position, newly formed teams, it requires effort from colleagues to get them properly 'caught up' or 'trained in'. Certainly new employees also strive to be qualitatively engaged in their jobs and they are full of energy to give their all.

Wat kent men na het volgen van deze opleiding?

What will you know after following this training

  • You will learn the basics of instructing, guiding, coaching and motivating
  • You will understand how people learn
  • You will get to know the didactic principles
  • You will know how to create a safe learning climate
  • You learn to communicate better and more constructively including giving / receiving feedback
  • You will learn to deal with conflict situations and difficult characters
  • You will gain the knowledge and skills to act professionally as a workplace coach


An organisation only succeeds when new employees or colleagues are supported by experienced colleagues. Initiating into the culture and passing on knowledge comes from the manager or colleagues. The latter must have specific skills and insights to bring this crucial collegiality to fruition.

Voor wie is deze opleiding bestemd?

Admission requirements

For whom is this training intended

  • employees who like to share their knowledge with (new) colleagues and want to do so in a professional way
  • employees who take on the role of workplace coach in the reception process of new employees, or colleagues who change function or department
  • the HR department employee who is co-responsible for a good welcome policy


Teaching methodology

The sessions alternate theory, interactive exercises and concrete examples. Participants are invited to bring in situations from their own work context during the sessions.

Hoe ziet het programma van deze opleiding eruit?


Session 1:

  • Know yourself: characteristics of an inspired trainer
  • Didactic principles
  • How do adults learn?

Sessions 2 & 3:

  • Welcominig the new employee
  • The workplace is a learning place
  • Situational leading: how do you adapt your style? When to do it? When not? with the aim of getting the employee to perform independently.
  • Communicating and giving feedback
  • Motivate

Session 4:

Giving functional training with results: 4-step model

  1. Preparation
  2. Explaini + demonstrate
  3. Practice makes perfect
  4. Assessing and qualifying

Each participant brings a piece of training based on prepared homework. The teacher and other participants provide feedback. During this session, participants learn a lot from each other and basic learning principles are replicated.

Onze opleidingen

Locaties en data


Doorniksesteenweg 220, 8500 Kortrijk

Vanaf 14/11/2024

€ 680,00

excl. BTW


donderdag (14/11)
donderdag (14/11)
donderdag (21/11)
donderdag (21/11)


09:30 - 12:30
13:30 - 16:30
09:30 - 12:30
13:30 - 16:30


4 sessie(s)

€ 680,00

excl. BTW

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Foto Steven Soenen

Steven Soenen


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